Q switched laser

What is Q switched laser ?

Q switched laser is a multi-platform Nd-YAG-based laser.

Q switched laser offers four adjustable wavelengths that provide a wide variety of pigmentation treatments solution including

  1. Post-acne marks
  2. Melasma
  3. Freckles,
  4. Lentigines ( sun spots/ age spots) and
  5. Pigmented birthmark.

Being the first approved tattoo removal and melasma laser machine, Q switched laser offers four adjustable wavelengths and various safe treatment options for most skin types and with minimal downtime.


How It Works

Q switched laser offers four adjustable wavelengths to treat various skin conditions. It ranges from 532 nm to 1064 nm. They are categorized based on short to long wavelengths. Different wavelengths or colours of laser light will have different effects on the skin.

The four wavelengths of Q switched laser available

1. Q switched laser 532 nm

532 nm wavelength is used mainly for removal of red, orange, yellow and brown tattoos as it is absorbed by these colours and and the energy from the laser breaks the ink particles in the tattoo into tiny fragments and is absorbed by the body. It can also be used to treat superficial epidermal pigments, however with the advent of the Ruvy laser, which is much safer, this feature is now used less and less.

2. Q switched laser 595 nm 2nd Generation ‘Gold Toning’

Gold Toning using the 595 nm wavelength can help to lighten post-acne redness and can also help in the reduction of inflammatory acne by virtue of its characteristics, in shrinking abnormal blood vessels to their normal sizes and reducing overall redness and erythema.595 nm is considered more reliable due to its lower absorption in melanin, thus minimising potential side effects such as PIH.

3. Q switched laser 660 nm ‘RuVY Touch’

660 nm is a safe and effective wavelength for removing superficial epidermal pigmented lesions like freckles due to its lower absorption in melanin and oxy and deoxy-haemoglobin. In particular, the lower absorption characteristics of 660 nm in oxy and deoxy-haemoglobin allow blood vessels to remain intact after laser treatment, therefore minimising potential side effects such as PIH that usually occur as a result of inflammation

4. Q switched laser 1064 nm “Revital/Laser toning Treatment”

A high-powered quasi-long pulsed 1064 nm capable of delivering a maximum of 45 J per second is an efficient wavelength to promote collagen remodelling.Effectively treating large pores, wrinkles and promoting skin rejuvenation.Laser Toning removes or lightens the appearance of melasma as melanin and melansomes in the skin are selectively destroyed by the laser energy. The clinical benefit has been proven over recent years in all different types of skin, and it is now even more effective with the new treatment mode of Q Switched Laser using its double-pulse technology. The 1064 nm laser light can also be used to remove black tattoos

Is it painful? Is there any downtime?

There is minimal or no downtime with the laser toning treatment. There is usually mild redness after treatment, which generally lasts less than 1-3 hours.You can return to your normal daily activities immediately after the treatment. There is no scabbing, crusting or wound formation on the skin at all. Sun protection, however, is necessary post-treatment.


Are The Procedure For Q switched laser Peel Painful?

The pain associated with the treatment is low. Most patients can tolerate the treatment without numbing cream, although it can be used if required. The treatment takes around 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Using numbing cream will add an additional 15 minutes to the procedure.

Am I suitable for this treatment?

Q switched laser is suitable for patients with acne, large pores and uneven skin tone – or anyone who’s looking to have a healthier, radiant-looking complexion.It helps achieve a reduction in pore size, acne marks, enhances overall skin tone, and lightens pigmentation. It can also be used to remove unwanted tattoos.