Laser Cold And Warm Peel

Enjoy laser cold and warm peel

Unlike traditional treatments such as dermabrasion and chemical peels, the unique characteristics of laser skin resurfacing allow more accurate and precise control over the treatment process.
Laser peeling is a procedure involving intentional damage followed by exfoliation of the damaged or weak superficial layer of the skin, depending on the individual needs of each Patient – from delicate and superficial effects, to very intensive and deep exfoliation.

Skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatments can be performed either in ablative modes with an Er:YAG laser or non-ablatively with a Nd:YAG laser, depending on the particular aesthetic outcome that the patient and practitioner wish to achieve. In addition, ablative and non-ablative treatments can also be combined into a comprehensive anti-aging treatment, such as Fotona’s TwinLight® Fractional Rejuvenation system.
Superficial peeling, also known as resurfacing (or light peel), has a minimally ablative action on the superficial layers of the skin, leading to its refreshment and regeneration, reduction of shallow discolourations and dilated pores, as well as general cleaning and improvement of its texture.

Medium-depth and deep skin resurfacing, which leads to more profound exfoliation, is more intensive, so the laser beam penetrates the deeper layers of the skin. This produces better effects, but – on the other hand – entails longer recovery periods. In the case of this peeling option, the skin begins to exfoliate between the 2nd and the 4th day after treatment. After this time, erythema appears on the treated skin and persists for a few days. This procedure is an ideal solution for the reduction of wrinkles, discolourations, as well as atrophic, hypertrophic and acne scars.

The resurfacing effects of the innovative Erb:Yag laser are spectacular and visible as early as after the first treatment, especially in the case of medium-depth and deep peeling options. Taking into account the effects and the recovery period, the most optimal would be the medium-depth resurfacing.

After recovery, the skin looks much more youthful, firm and supple, with a visibly better tone and texture.