Cold Peel

What is Cold Peel ?

Is a professional skin rejuvenation treatment . It aims to improve the skin texture and tone while reducing aging signs. The cold mask can treat several skin problems including, hyperpigmentation, melasma, aging skin, and seborrheic .. MagSkinClinic offers an effective depigmentation action that prevents excessive melanin production. It also exfoliates the skin to eliminate existing pigmentation. 

Cold peel is a form of skin-resurfacing treatment that utilises chemical solutions to exfoliate the outer layer of the skin and promote new skin to regrow in its place.

This then improves skin tone and texture while treating fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone and pores.

How It Works

Prior to the treatment, any makeup must be removed. During the treatment, our therapists will cleanse your face before applying the glycolic peel to the treatment areas. The peel will be left on the skin for a few minutes before a neutralizer is applied. At the end of the treatment, moisturizer and sunblock is then applied to the skin.

Pre-Procedure Care

In order to identify a candidate’s particular skin problem, we recommend having a consultation first with our dermatologists. In the meeting, they will examine the candidate’s skin to identify the problem and recommend the best-suited treatment for their specific concern.


Once you are all set to undergo this skin rejuvenation procedure, the dermatologist will apply a cold mask to your concerned areas. The mask will stay on your skin for 3-8hours, depending on the severity of your condition and desired outcomes. After that, the mask will be rinsed with water

Post-Procedure Care

Candidates will be given a list of dos and don’ts to protect their skin after the peeking treatment. If they follow the dermatologist’s advice, they will achieve maximum results out of the procedure. Some general aftercare guidelines are as follows: Keep the treated skin protected from the sun.
Use sunshade or sunscreen as prescribed by the dermatologist.
Apply post cream every night before going to bed.


Cold peel treatment is a skin rejuvenation and depigmentation procedure that offers several benefits, including:
The mask does not require special skin preparation.
The procedure minimizes pigmentation ,age spots and other marks within a few days.
It is a safe procedure that does not cause any severe side effects.
Can effectively correct wrinkles and fine lines.
It resolves acne problems.
The procedure improves the skin’s overall look by making it fresh and healthy.
It is compatible with every skin type and can be performed at any time.

How long does each session take?

Each session should take approximately 10 minutes.

Is it painful? Is there any downtime?

There will be a mild stinging sensation during the peel and there is no downtime for chemical peels.


Is it safe?

Chemical peels are very safe in the hands of trained professionals. Nevertheless, we recommend you to get a proper assessment done with our doctors prior to the treatment.

Am I suitable for this treatment?

Chemical peels are suitable for all skin types. However, if you are unsure if there are any other concerns that might affect your suitability for the treatment, do consult our doctors.